January 20, 2025
Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

If you are a fan of the Paw Patrol, let’s enjoy coloring Rocky’s uniform together. This fun tutorial teaches kids to learn colors through the paw patrol Rocky’s uniform colors. They will also learn the colors in french.

Paw patrol facts about Rocky the 5th Paw Patrol pup

Did you know that Rocky is a recycling pup?

Did you know that Rocky is a mix-breed pup that always has handy resources?

On paw patrol, Rocky’s uniform is always red in color. Today we are going to see other colors on Ryder’s jacket. Below is a list of the different colors.

Video: Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform


1. Pencil or pen

2. Notebook

3. Colouring supplies

1. Green (in french – Vert)

We will start with the main color of Rocky which is green. Write the name Rocky on your notebook using green color.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

2. Blue (in french – Bleu)

Did you notice that Rocky’s backpack also changed color together with the uniform? Can you see any blue items around you? List all the blue things you can see in your notebook. Remember to highlight them with a blue color.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

3. Orange (in french – Orange)

Papayas are color orange. List all the orange-colored fruits you know in your notebook. Use the orange color to highlight them. Ask your friends and family to assist you to identify these fruits.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

4. Pink (in french – Rose)

Do you like the color pink on Rocky’s suit? What other pink things do you know? Write the word pink in your notebook using a pink color.

ALSO READ  How To Draw A Dress for Kids
Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

5. Purple (in french – violet)

What other things are purple in color? Write them in your notebook and highlight them with a purple color.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

6. Red (in french – Rouge)

How many colors does the rose flower have? The first is red. List the different colors of the rose flower in your notebook using a red color.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

7. Yellow (in french – Jaune)

Yellow, red, and green are the primary colors. What secondary color can you get from mixing yellow with the other primary colors? Write the ‘primary color + yellow = which color’ in your notebook and use a yellow color to highlight them.

Learn Colors With Paw Patrol Rocky’s Uniform

What is your favorite of the 7 colors on Rocky’s uniform? Write it down in your notebook. Find the 7 colors on things around you and point them out to your family and friends until you master the colors. 

Find some of our other paw patrol coloring tutorials to keep mastering the colors.


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