May 18, 2024

Play Sense provides support for children and their families. They exist to give all children the best start in life to help them achieve their full potential and aim to enhance opportunities for play, development, and well-being for children and their families within our community.

Play Sense is a unique concept in early childcare and education. Between the ages of 2- and 4 years old, a child is at an exciting stage in human development, but they need three elements to be in place to learn and develop optimally – an engaging, nurturing teacher, a safe home environment, and a rich, play-based curriculum that develops foundational ‘soft skills.’

They match like-minded families with qualified ECD teachers in micro-play schools and online play schools where our exciting, evidence-based curriculum ignites each child’s ability to learn and express their individuality. 

This is something that traditional preschools are less equipped to achieve because they often use a skills-based curriculum to teach large groups of toddlers in an unfamiliar environment.

Their proven model is the gold standard in Early Childhood Education for the world.

How it Works

Early Learning Playgroups 

Early Learning Playgroups focus on activities that are fun, educational, creative, and interactive where both parent and child are involved. They provide a comfortable environment for children to explore, learn, and develop social skills.

Different from other playgroups, Early Learning Playgroups are led by an Early Years Practitioner and are drop-ins for all parents/caregivers and children aged 0-5 years.

Child-centered Play Therapy

Child-centered Play Therapy service promotes the well-being of children and young people experiencing difficulties or life challenges by providing individual play therapy. 

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Play Therapy provides a safe environment for the child or young person to explore their feelings, express themselves and make sense of their life experiences through play with a qualified Play Therapist. They also offer child-centered play therapy to children aged between 3-12 years.


Play Sense Playcation is a free holiday program filled with play-based activities that parents can use to play with their little ones.

Maximum numbers of children in a home group are regulated by your territory’s regulations and range between 3 and 6. 

The maximum number of children per in-home group in any territory is 6. They recommend a minimum of 3 children for a new group to start. Occasionally we do start a group with 2 children, provided a 3rd child is going to join eminently.


Play Sense enrolments are open all year long because acceptance is based on the age of the child and not the time of year. 

Children can enroll for 22 months and leave the program at the end of the year when they turn 4.

Additionally, Playschools are mixed ages, within reason. It is important for socialization to have peers of the same age but recognize the benefits of mixed ages too. 

Little ones learn from watching their older friends. Older friends gain confidence in their mastery of skills and learn patience and leadership skills from helping their younger friends.


Their curriculum is based on a 5-day week and they require a minimum attendance of 3 days a week. 

The younger children or children who are attending play school for the first time attend 3 days a week to start and once the child gets a little older and is used to the environment, the child moves to 4 or 5 days a week to get the maximum benefit from the curriculum.

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Fees and Programmes 

Fees for in-home groups are area-specific. Existing groups’ fees are listed on each teacher’s playschool page.

Play Sense is a morning program and ends at midday and each group has snack time at approximately 10h30 each day. Snacks are provided by the parents. 

They also have social eating and assistance with food preparation and each parent takes turns to provide snacks for all the children for one full week on a rotation basis. This avoids issues that may come up when one child gets a special treat in their lunchbox and all the other children want the same. 

School Calendar

Play Sense does not operate in line with any local school calendars, terms, or semesters. Play Schools are closed on religious and national holidays and teachers are entitled to take up to 7 weeks of paid leave annually.


Megan Faure

megan faure

Megan Faure is the Founder and CEO of Parent Sense.

She is a former Founder and CEO of Baby Sense.

She attended the University of Cape Town.

Laura Schoenfeld

Laura Schoenfeld

Laura Schoenfeld is a Registered Dietitian (RD), women’s health expert, and business coach for integrative and functional dietitians and nutritionists. 

Her mission is to educate women on how to nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits, and to help nutrition professionals grow and scale a successful business.

She is also a specialist trained in functional medical nutrition therapy and has helped hundreds of women optimize their hormone and gut health while allowing for flexibility in their diet and lifestyle choices.

Drawing on her background as a teaching assistant and mentor for the Kresser Institute’s ADAPT functional practitioner program, Laura has coached dozens of dietitians and nutritionists on how to grow their businesses for financial success.

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Investors & Funding Rounds

Enygma Ventures

Enygma Ventures

 Play Sense has raised ZAR8.25 million (US$458,000) in funding to take its in-home, pre-school learning model online.

The funding was secured from Enygma Ventures, the US-based VC firm founded by award-winning entrepreneurs Sarah and Jacob Dusek.

The company launched a fund with a focus on investing in women entrepreneurs in the SADC region, and Play Sense is its first investment.

Main Competitors

The Haven Collection: It offers an always evolving, engaging set of creative learning opportunities.

Kutuki: This is a learning platform focused on children between the ages of three and seven.

Motherhood India: It is an Indian healthcare startup.


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